I’ve Written a Goddamn Book

Yes, as I previously said, I have managed that which so many dream of – I have written a full-length novel called “It Looks Like You’re Writing a Letter”.

I took part in NaNoWriMo in November 2014 and every day wrote 1600 words. Every single day, without fail. It was tough – very tough indeed, and some days I sat in front of my laptop with nothing to say. Some days I sat and the words poured out. Either way, 1600 words were input.

When I reached the 50,000 word goal I was elated, and I couldn’t wait for someone to read it – this was my first rookie mistake. Looking back, the first draft was horrible. What followed was eight months of solid editing, rewriting and soul-searching. My pal Deborah Henderson helped with the first two, but the last one was all on me.

I learned a lot about how to write, and how to edit, and how to excise stuff you really like because you just don’t need it. Every single word of the manuscript was pored over individually and as part of a sentence, paragraph, chapter and the whole. It was painstaking but strangely enjoyable, like polishing brasses.

The end result is a book I’m very proud of, and I really really want as many people to read it as possible. It costs less than £2 ($2.99 for my American pals) and is available from the usual online outlets. I really hope you’ll give it a whirl, and that if you do you let me know what you think.

I’m planning on doing NaNoWriMo again this year.

[button link=”http://www.amazon.co.uk/Looks-Like-Youre-Writing-Letter-ebook/dp/B00NO7EZ0C”]Buy from the Kindle store[/button]

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